I have seen most of the people suffering from low cash. Well there are many loan opportunities and cash advances available. The most effective and legitimate way of postponing your debts is indeed the payday loans. The masses are using this scheme in large number so that they can get some money in the middle of the month, this money could be used for paying utility bills, school fees, buying grocery, etc. But what we all do, is, we take too much credit amount that we cannot pay later. This hampers our own Credit ratings and this low credit rating is the supreme cause of getting loans at higher rates.
To get a good credit ratings is a hard task as after one small mistake in repayment of loan causes your credit rating to fall. If we need to get easy cash advance from our lenders then we must maintain a strict regime of Higher Savings and Low Spending.
This would be the effective way as when some urgent requirement comes then you will be having enough cash with your to easily overcome that problem. So to have a low debt on your shoulders, always try to reduce your spending's and get high on savings. Spend only what you require and save. And if in case you have taken any loan then make sure that you make the repayment as soon as possible.